Source code for vittles.bivariate_sensitivity_lib

import autograd
from autograd import numpy as np
from .sensitivity_lib import _append_jvp
from copy import deepcopy
import warnings

[docs]class CrossSensitivity(): """Calculate a second-order derivative of an optimum with resepct to two hyperparameters. Given an estimating equation :math:`G(\\theta, \\epsilon_1, \\epsilon_2)`, with :math:`G(\\hat\\theta(\\epsilon_1, \\epsilon_2), \\epsilon_1, \\epsilon_2) = 0`, this class evaluates a directional derivatives .. math:: \\frac{d^2\hat{\\theta}}{d\\epsilon_1 d\\epsilon_2} \\Delta \\epsilon_1 \\Delta \\epsilon_2. """
[docs] def __init__(self, estimating_equation, solver, input_base, hyper1_base, hyper2_base, term_ii=True, term_i1=True, term_i2=True, term_12=True): warnings.warn( 'The CrossSensitivity class is very experimental and untested.') self._g = estimating_equation self._solver = solver # Copy these because the solver is only valid at these values. self._input_base = deepcopy(input_base) self._hyper1_base = deepcopy(hyper1_base) self._hyper2_base = deepcopy(hyper2_base) # TODO: for readability, wrap these so they are always # evaluated at the same first three arguments. self._g_i = _append_jvp(self._g, num_base_args=3, argnum=0) self._g_ii = _append_jvp(self._g_i, num_base_args=3, argnum=0) self._g_i1 = _append_jvp(self._g_i, num_base_args=3, argnum=1) self._g_i2 = _append_jvp(self._g_i, num_base_args=3, argnum=2) self._g_1 = _append_jvp(self._g, num_base_args=3, argnum=1) self._g_2 = _append_jvp(self._g, num_base_args=3, argnum=2) self._g_12 = _append_jvp(self._g_1, num_base_args=3, argnum=2) self._term_ii = term_ii self._term_i1 = term_i1 self._term_i2 = term_i2 self._term_12 = term_12
def get_di1(self, dh1): g_1 = self._g_1( self._input_base, self._hyper1_base, self._hyper2_base, dh1) di1 = -1 * self._solver(g_1) return di1 def get_di2(self, dh2): g_2 = self._g_2( self._input_base, self._hyper1_base, self._hyper2_base, dh2) di2 = -1 * self._solver(g_2) return di2 def evaluate(self, dh1, dh2, di1=None, di2=None, debug=False): if self._term_ii or self._term_i2 or self._term_i12: if di1 is None: di1 = self.get_di1(dh1) if self._term_ii or self._term_i1 or self._term_i12: if di2 is None: di2 = self.get_di2(dh2) g_ii = 0 g_i1 = 0 g_i2 = 0 g_12 = 0 if self._term_ii: g_ii = self._g_ii( self._input_base, self._hyper1_base, self._hyper2_base, di1, di2) if self._term_i1: g_i1 = self._g_i1( self._input_base, self._hyper1_base, self._hyper2_base, di2, dh1) if self._term_i2: g_i2 = self._g_i2( self._input_base, self._hyper1_base, self._hyper2_base, di1, dh2) if self._term_12: g_12 = self._g_12( self._input_base, self._hyper1_base, self._hyper2_base, dh1, dh2) if debug: print('g_ii: ', g_ii) print('g_i1: ', g_i1) print('g_i2: ', g_i2) print('g_12: ', g_12) print('di1: ', di1) print('di2: ', di2) return -1 * self._solver(g_ii + g_i1 + g_i2 + g_12)
[docs]class OptimumChecker():
[docs] def __init__(self, estimating_equation, solver, input_base, hyper_base): """Estimate the error in sensitivity due to incomplete optimization. Parameters --------------- estimating_equation : `callable` A function taking arguments `(input, hyper)` and returning a vector, typically the same length as the input. The idea is that `estimating_equation(input_base, hyper_base) = [0, ..., 0]`. solver : `callable` A function of a single vector variable `v` solving :math:`H^{-1} v`, where `H` is the Hessian of the estimating equation with respect to the input variable at `input_base`, `hyper_base`. input_base : `numpy.ndarray` The base value of the parameter to be optimized hyper_base : `numpy.ndarray` The base value of the hyperparameter. """ self._input_base = deepcopy(input_base) self._hyper_base = deepcopy(hyper_base) self._solver = solver def estimating_equation_lagrange(ipar, hpar, lam): return estimating_equation(ipar, hpar) + lam self.estimating_equation_lagrange = estimating_equation_lagrange # self._obj = lambda ipar: estimating_equation(ipar, self._hyper_base) # self._obj_grad = autograd.jacobian(self._obj) #self._lam_base = -1 * self._obj_grad(self._input_base) self._lam_base = \ -1 * estimating_equation(self._input_base, self._hyper_base) self._dlam = -1 * self._lam_base self._cross_sens = CrossSensitivity( estimating_equation = self.estimating_equation_lagrange, solver = self._solver, input_base = self._input_base, hyper1_base = self._hyper_base, hyper2_base = self._lam_base, term_i2=False, term_12=False)
[docs] def get_newton_step(self): """Return a Netwon step towards the optimum. """ return self._cross_sens.get_di2(self._dlam)
[docs] def get_dinput_dhyper(self, dhyper): """Return the first directional derivative of the optimum with respect to the hyperparameter in the direction `dhyper`. """ return self._cross_sens.get_di1(dhyper)
[docs] def correction(self, hyper_new, dinput_dhyper=None, newton_step=None): """Return the first-order correction to the change in dinput_dhyper as you take a Newton step. """ dhyper = hyper_new - self._hyper_base if dinput_dhyper is None: dinput_dhyper = self.get_dinput_dhyper(dhyper) if newton_step is None: newton_step = self.get_newton_step() dinput_dhyper_correction = \ self._cross_sens.evaluate( dhyper, self._dlam, di1=dinput_dhyper, di2=newton_step) return dinput_dhyper_correction return self._input_base + dinput_dhyper + dinput_dhyper_correction
[docs] def evaluate(self, hyper_new, dinput_dhyper=None, newton_step=None): """Return the first-order approximation to the change in dinput_dhyper as you take a Newton step. """ dhyper = hyper_new - self._hyper_base if dinput_dhyper is None: dinput_dhyper = self.get_dinput_dhyper(dhyper) dinput_dhyper_correction = self.correction( hyper_new, dinput_dhyper=dinput_dhyper, newton_step=newton_step) return self._input_base + dinput_dhyper + dinput_dhyper_correction