Source code for vittles.lr_cov_lib

# LRVB class #

import autograd
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from . import solver_lib

[docs]class LinearResponseCovariances: """ Calculate linear response covariances of a variational distribution. Let :math:`q(\\theta | \\eta)` be a class of probability distribtions on :math:`\\theta` where the class is parameterized by the real-valued vector :math:`\\eta`. Suppose that we wish to approximate a distribution :math:`q(\\theta | \\eta^*) \\approx p(\\theta)` by solving an optimization problem :math:`\\eta^* = \\mathrm{argmin} f(\\eta)`. For example, :math:`f` might be a measure of distance between :math:`q(\\theta | \\eta)` and :math:`p(\\theta)`. This class uses the sensitivity of the optimal :math:`\\eta^*` to estimate the covariance :math:`\\mathrm{Cov}_p(g(\\theta))`. This covariance estimate is called the "linear response covariance". In this notation, the arguments to the class mathods are as follows. :math:`f` is ``objective_fun``, :math:`\\eta^*` is ``opt_par_value``, and the function ``calculate_moments`` evaluates :math:`\\mathbb{E}_{q(\\theta | \\eta)}[g(\\theta)]` as a function of :math:`\\eta`. Methods ------------ set_base_values: Set the base values, :math:`\\eta^*` that optimizes the objective function. get_hessian_at_opt: Return the Hessian of the objective function evaluated at the optimum. get_hessian_cholesky_at_opt: Return the Cholesky decomposition of the Hessian of the objective function evaluated at the optimum. get_lr_covariance: Return the linear response covariance of a given moment. """
[docs] def __init__( self, objective_fun, opt_par_value, validate_optimum=False, hessian_at_opt=None, factorize_hessian=True, grad_tol=1e-8): """ Parameters -------------- objective_fun: Callable function A callable function whose optimum parameterizes an approximate Bayesian posterior. The function must take as a single argument a numeric vector, ``opt_par``. opt_par_value: The value of ``opt_par`` at which ``objective_fun`` is optimized. validate_optimum: Boolean When setting the values of ``opt_par``, check that ``opt_par`` is, in fact, a critical point of ``objective_fun``. hessian_at_opt: Numeric matrix (optional) The Hessian of ``objective_fun`` at the optimum. If not specified, it is calculated using automatic differentiation. factorize_hessian: Boolean If ``True``, solve the required linear system using a Cholesky factorization. If ``False``, use the conjugate gradient algorithm to avoid forming or inverting the Hessian. grad_tol: Float The tolerance used to check that the gradient is approximately zero at the optimum. """ self._obj_fun = objective_fun self._obj_fun_grad = autograd.grad(self._obj_fun, argnum=0) self._obj_fun_hessian = autograd.hessian(self._obj_fun, argnum=0) self._obj_fun_hvp = autograd.hessian_vector_product( self._obj_fun, argnum=0) self._grad_tol = grad_tol self.set_base_values( opt_par_value, hessian_at_opt, factorize_hessian, validate=validate_optimum)
def set_base_values(self, opt_par_value, hessian_at_opt, factorize_hessian=True, validate=True, grad_tol=None): if grad_tol is None: grad_tol = self._grad_tol # Set the values of the optimal parameters. self._opt0 = deepcopy(opt_par_value) # Set the values of the Hessian at the optimum. if hessian_at_opt is None: self._hess0 = self._obj_fun_hessian(self._opt0) else: self._hess0 = hessian_at_opt self.hess_solver = solver_lib.get_cholesky_solver(self._hess0) if validate: # Check that the gradient of the objective is zero at the optimum. grad0 = self._obj_fun_grad(self._opt0) newton_step = -1 * self.hess_solver(grad0) newton_step_norm = np.linalg.norm(newton_step) if newton_step_norm > grad_tol: err_msg = \ 'The gradient is not zero at the proposed optimal ' + \ 'values. ||newton_step|| = {} > {} = grad_tol'.format( newton_step_norm, grad_tol) raise ValueError(err_msg) def get_hessian_at_opt(self): return self._hess0
[docs] def get_lr_covariance_from_jacobians(self, moment_jacobian1, moment_jacobian2): """ Get the linear response covariance between two vectors of moments. Parameters ------------ moment_jacobian1: 2d numeric array. The Jacobian matrix of a map from a value of ``opt_par`` to a vector of moments of interest. Following standard notation for Jacobian matrices, the rows should correspond to moments and the columns to elements of a flattened ``opt_par``. moment_jacobian2: 2d numeric array. Like ``moment_jacobian1`` but for the second vector of moments. Returns ------------ Numeric matrix If ``moment_jacobian1(opt_par)`` is the Jacobian of :math:`\mathbb{E}_q[g_1(\\theta)]` and ``moment_jacobian2(opt_par)`` is the Jacobian of :math:`\mathbb{E}_q[g_2(\\theta)]` then this returns the linear response estimate of :math:`\\mathrm{Cov}_p(g_1(\\theta), g_2(\\theta))`. """ if moment_jacobian1.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('moment_jacobian1 must be a 2d array.') if moment_jacobian2.ndim != 2: raise ValueError('moment_jacobian2 must be a 2d array.') if moment_jacobian1.shape[1] != len(self._opt0): err_msg = ('The number of rows of moment_jacobian1 must match' + 'the dimension of the optimization parameter. ' + 'Expected {} rows, but got shape = {}').format( len(self._opt0), moment_jacobian1.shape) raise ValueError(err_msg) if moment_jacobian2.shape[1] != len(self._opt0): err_msg = ('The number of rows of moment_jacobian2 must match' + 'the dimension of the optimization parameter. ' + 'Expected {} rows, but got shape = {}').format( len(self._opt0), moment_jacobian2.shape) raise ValueError(err_msg) return moment_jacobian1 @ self.hess_solver(moment_jacobian2.T)
[docs] def get_moment_jacobian(self, calculate_moments): """ The Jacobian matrix of a map from ``opt_par`` to a vector of moments of interest. Parameters ------------ calculate_moments: Callable function A function that takes the folded ``opt_par`` as a single argument and returns a numeric vector containing posterior moments of interest. Returns ---------- Numeric matrix The Jacobian of the moments. """ calculate_moments_jacobian = autograd.jacobian(calculate_moments) return calculate_moments_jacobian(self._opt0)
[docs] def get_lr_covariance(self, calculate_moments): """ Get the linear response covariance of a vector of moments. Parameters ------------ calculate_moments: Callable function A function that takes the folded ``opt_par`` as a single argument and returns a numeric vector containing posterior moments of interest. Returns ------------ Numeric matrix If ``calculate_moments(opt_par)`` returns :math:`\\mathbb{E}_q[g(\\theta)]` then this returns the linear response estimate of :math:`\\mathrm{Cov}_p(g(\\theta))`. """ moment_jacobian = self.get_moment_jacobian(calculate_moments) return self.get_lr_covariance_from_jacobians( moment_jacobian, moment_jacobian)