Maximum Likelihood and Weight Sensitivity.

import autograd
from autograd import numpy as np

import copy

# This contains functions that are used in several paragami examples.
import example_utils

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import paragami
import vittles

# Use the original scipy for functions we don't need to differentiate.
import scipy as osp

import time

Define a Model.

For illustration, let’s consider a simple example: a Gaussian maximum likelihood estimator.

\[x_n \overset{iid}\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \Sigma)\textrm{, for }n=1,...,N.\]

The “model parameters” are \(\mu\) and \(\Sigma\), and we will estimate them using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). Let the data be denoted by \(X = (x_1, ..., x_N)\). For a given set of data weights \(W = (w_1, ..., w_N)\), we can define the loss

\[\ell(X, W, \mu, \Sigma) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{n=1}^N w_n \left((x_n - \mu)^T \Sigma^{-1} (x_n - \mu) + \log |\Sigma| \right).\]

The loss on the original dataset is given when \(W_1=(1,...,1)\), so we will take the MLE to be

\[\hat\mu, \hat\Sigma = \mathrm{argmax} \ell(X, W_1, \mu, \Sigma).\]

We will consider approximating the effect of varying \(W\) on the optimal value in the sensitivity section below.

Of course, this example has a closed-form optimum as a function of the weights, \(W\):

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \hat\mu(W) = \frac{1}{\sum_{n=1}^N w_n} \sum_{n=1}^N w_n x_n \quad\quad\quad \hat\Sigma(W) = \frac{1}{\sum_{n=1}^N w_n} \sum_{n=1}^N w_n \left(x_n - \hat\mu(W) \right) \left(x_n - \hat\mu(W) \right)^T\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

However, for expository purposes let us treat it as a generic optimization problem.

Specify Parameters and Draw Data.


num_obs = 1000

# True values of parameters
true_sigma = \
    np.eye(3) * np.diag(np.array([1, 2, 3])) + \
    np.random.random((3, 3)) * 0.1
true_sigma = 0.5 * (true_sigma + true_sigma.T)

true_mu = np.array([0, 1, 2])

# Data
x = np.random.multivariate_normal(
    mean=true_mu, cov=true_sigma, size=(num_obs, ))

# Original weights.
original_weights = np.ones(num_obs)

Write out the log likelihood and use it to specify a loss function.

# The loss function is the weighted negative of the log likelihood.
def get_loss(norm_param_dict, x, weights):
    return np.sum(
        -1 * weights * example_utils.get_normal_log_prob(
            x, norm_param_dict['sigma'], norm_param_dict['mu']))

true_norm_param_dict = dict()
true_norm_param_dict['sigma'] = true_sigma
true_norm_param_dict['mu'] = true_mu

print('Loss at true parameter: {}'.format(
    get_loss(true_norm_param_dict, x, original_weights)))
Loss at true parameter: 2392.751922600241

Flatten and Fold for Optimization.

Note that we have written our loss, get_loss as a function of a dictionary of parameters, norm_param_dict.

We can use paragami to convert such a dictionary to and from a flat, unconstrained parameterization for optimization.

Define a paragami pattern that matches the input to get_loss.

norm_param_pattern = paragami.PatternDict()
norm_param_pattern['sigma'] = paragami.PSDSymmetricMatrixPattern(size=3)
norm_param_pattern['mu'] = paragami.NumericArrayPattern(shape=(3, ))

“Flatten” the dictionary into an unconstrained vector.

norm_param_freeflat = norm_param_pattern.flatten(true_norm_param_dict, free=True)
print('The flat parameter has shape: {}'.format(norm_param_freeflat.shape))
The flat parameter has shape: (9,)

Optimize using autograd.

We can use this flat parameter to optimize the likelihood directly without worrying about the PSD constraint on \(\Sigma\).

print('\nNext, wrap the loss to be a function of the flat parameter.')

# Later it will be useful to change the weights used for optimization.
optim_weights = original_weights
get_freeflat_loss = paragami.FlattenFunctionInput(
    original_fun=lambda param_dict: get_loss(param_dict, x, optim_weights),

print('Finally, use the flattened function to optimize with autograd.\n')
get_freeflat_loss_grad = autograd.grad(get_freeflat_loss)
get_freeflat_loss_hessian = autograd.hessian(get_freeflat_loss)

# Initialize with zeros.
init_param = np.zeros(norm_param_pattern.flat_length(free=True))
mle_opt = osp.optimize.minimize(
    options={'gtol': 1e-12, 'disp': False})

Next, wrap the loss to be a function of the flat parameter.
Finally, use the flattened function to optimize with autograd.

“Fold” to inspect the result.

We can now “fold” the optimum back into its original shape for inspection and further use.

norm_param_flat0 = copy.deepcopy(mle_opt.x)
norm_param_opt = norm_param_pattern.fold(mle_opt.x, free=True)

for param in ['sigma', 'mu']:
    print('Parmeter {}\nOptimal:\n{}\n\nTrue:\n{}\n\n'.format(
        param, norm_param_opt[param], true_norm_param_dict[param]))
Parmeter sigma
[[ 1.06683522  0.07910048  0.04229475]
 [ 0.07910048  1.89297797 -0.02650233]
 [ 0.04229475 -0.02650233  2.92376984]]

[[1.03745401 0.07746864 0.03950388]
 [0.07746864 2.01560186 0.05110853]
 [0.03950388 0.05110853 3.0601115 ]]

Parmeter mu
[-0.04469438  1.03094019  1.8551187 ]

[0 1 2]

Sensitivity Analysis for Approximate LOO.

Suppose we are interested in how our estimator would change if we left out one datapoint at a time. The leave-one-out (LOO) estimator for the \(n^{th}\) datapoint is given by \(W_{(n)}=(1,...,1, 0, 1, ..., 1)\), where the \(0\) occurs in the \(n^{th}\) place, and

\[\hat\mu_{(n)}, \hat\Sigma_{(n)} = \mathrm{argmax} \ell(X, W_{(n)}, \mu, \Sigma).\]

In full generality, one must re-optimize to get \(\hat\mu_{(n)}, \hat\Sigma_{(n)}\). This can be expensive. To avoid the cost of repeatedly re-optimizing, we can form a linear approximation to the dependence of the optimal model parameters on the weights.

Specify a flattented objective function that also depends on the weights.

get_freeflat_hyper_loss = paragami.FlattenFunctionInput(
    original_fun=lambda param_dict, weights: get_loss(param_dict, x, weights),

Define a HyperparameterSensitivityLinearApproximation object.

weight_sens = \
        objective_fun=           get_freeflat_hyper_loss,
        opt_par_value=           norm_param_flat0,
        hyper_par_value=  original_weights)

Use weight_sens.predict_opt_par_from_hyper_par to predict the effect of different weights on the optimum.

def get_loo_weight(n):
    weights = np.ones(num_obs)
    weights[n] = 0
    return weights

n_loo = 10
print('Approximate the effect of leaving out observation {}.'.format(n_loo))
loo_weights = get_loo_weight(n_loo)
norm_param_flat1 = \
approx_loo_norm_param_opt = norm_param_pattern.fold(norm_param_flat1, free=True)

for param in ['sigma', 'mu']:
    print('Parameter  {}\nApproximate LOO:\n{}\nOriginal optimum:\n{}\n\n'.format(
          param, approx_loo_norm_param_opt[param], norm_param_opt[param]))
Approximate the effect of leaving out observation 10.
Parameter  sigma
Approximate LOO:
[[ 1.06789931  0.07906974  0.04205564]
 [ 0.07906974  1.89118719 -0.0359618 ]
 [ 0.04205564 -0.0359618   2.90264779]]
Original optimum:
[[ 1.06683522  0.07910048  0.04229475]
 [ 0.07910048  1.89297797 -0.02650233]
 [ 0.04229475 -0.02650233  2.92376984]]

Parameter  mu
Approximate LOO:
[-0.04475159  1.02902066  1.85020216]
Original optimum:
[-0.04469438  1.03094019  1.8551187 ]

The approximation predict_opt_par_from_hyper_par is fast, so we can easily approximate LOO estimators for each datapoint.

approx_loo_params = []
tic = time.time()
for n_loo in range(num_obs):
    loo_weights = get_loo_weight(n_loo)
    norm_par_flat1 = \
    approx_loo_params.append(norm_param_pattern.fold(norm_par_flat1, free=True))
approx_loo_time_per_n = (time.time() - tic) / num_obs

Compare with the re-optimizing.

We can calculate the exact optimum for a few datapoints to compare with the approximation.

num_opt = 20

opt_loo_params = []
opt_n = np.arange(num_opt)
tic = time.time()
for n_loo in opt_n:
    loo_weights = get_loo_weight(n_loo)
    optim_weights = loo_weights
    # Start at the previous optimum to speed up optimization.
    # Note that you generally need an accurate optimum to measure
    # the effect of small changes.
    loo_mle_opt = osp.optimize.minimize(
        options={'gtol': 1e-12, 'disp': False})
    opt_loo_params.append(norm_param_pattern.fold(loo_mle_opt.x, free=True))
opt_loo_time_per_n = (time.time() - tic) / num_opt

The approximate LOO estimator is much faster.

print('Approximate LOO time per datapoint:\t{0:.5f} seconds'.format(approx_loo_time_per_n))
print('Re-optimization LOO time per datapoint:\t{0:.5f} seconds'.format(opt_loo_time_per_n))
Approximate LOO time per datapoint:     0.00010 seconds
Re-optimization LOO time per datapoint: 0.12403 seconds

A quantity one might consider for LOO analysis is the excess loss on the left-out datapoint.

\[\textrm{Excess loss}_n = \ell(x_n, 1, \hat\mu, \hat\Sigma) - \ell(x_n, 1, \hat\mu_{(n)}, \hat\Sigma_{(n)}).\]

We can compare the excess loss as estimated with the approximation and by re-optimizing.

def obs_n_excess_loss(norm_param, n):
    return \
        get_loss(norm_param, x[n, :], 1) - \
        get_loss(norm_param_opt, x[n, :], 1)

opt_loo_loss = [ obs_n_excess_loss(opt_loo_params[n], n) for n in opt_n ]
approx_loo_loss = [ obs_n_excess_loss(approx_loo_params[n], n) for n in opt_n ]

plt.plot(opt_loo_loss, opt_loo_loss, 'k')
plt.plot(opt_loo_loss, approx_loo_loss, 'ro', markersize=8)
plt.xlabel('Excess loss from re-optimizing')
plt.ylabel('Approximate excess loss\nfrom the paragami approximation')
plt.title('Approximate vs Exact LOO loss\n(solid line is y=x)')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Approximate vs Exact LOO loss\n(solid line is y=x)')

Fast tools lead to fun exploratory data analysis!

We can graph LOO sensitivity of various parameters vs \(x_{1n}\).

mu_1_loo = [ param['mu'][0] for param in approx_loo_params ]
mu_2_loo = [ param['mu'][1] for param in approx_loo_params ]
sigma_12_loo = [ param['sigma'][0, 1] for param in approx_loo_params ]

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
plt.plot(x[:, 0], mu_1_loo, 'k.')
plt.title('mu_1 vs x_{1n}')

plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
plt.plot(x[:, 0], mu_2_loo, 'k.')
plt.title('mu_2 vs x_{1n}')

plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.plot(x[:, 0], sigma_12_loo, 'k.')
plt.title('sigma_{12} vs x_{1n}')

Text(0.5, 0, 'x_{1n}')

We can examine the excess loss versus the data.

def obs_n_loss(norm_param, n):
    return \
        get_loss(norm_param, x[n, :], 1) - \
        get_loss(norm_param_opt, x[n, :], 1)

loo_loss = [ obs_n_loss(approx_loo_params[n], n) for n in range(num_obs) ]

# Plot the LOO loss versus each dimension of the data.
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
for dim in range(3):
    plt.subplot(1, 3, dim + 1)
    plt.plot(x[:, dim], loo_loss, 'k.')
    plt.title('loss vs x_{{{}n}}'.format(dim + 1))
    plt.xlabel('x_{{{}n}}'.format(dim + 1))
    plt.ylabel('LOO loss')
